Two waitresses from a nearby restaurant were in the club the other night talking about life in this business, and they asked what I thought.
You’ve probably heard that Eskimos have over 9000 words for snow, but none for whatever term that furthers the point of person using this statistic. Thi
Japanese Restaurant Fines Guests Who Don’t Clean Their Plates
I have one significant flaw as a server. Well there is more than one, but one that is the standout among the flaws. I have no ability to hide an emotion
This post started out as a light hearted attempt to walk down memory lane by posting classic commercials from Pabst. The resurgence of the Pabst Blue Rib
Very rarely do I come up with words that I think will be remembered long after I am gone. This post will be the exception. In all of my years in the busine
Perhaps the best thesis on tipping ever written and it is in cartoon form
At a crucial moment in the game, a key player makes a terrible mistake. Im not talking about professional sports . . . I’m talking about restaurant workers.
People complain about the smell of bacon. What is wrong with these people?