First, the comfort food crime cartels came for the Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve, stealing more than 10,000 barrels and selling it on the amber market. Next was the Nutella theft: someone li…
It’s hard enough to hire the right workers in the first place, let alone get them to stay. Most staff hires in restaurants aren’t planning to make a career out of the food service industry, experts…
Manager charged with hiring a hit man.
Melvin “Mel” Sickler, a representative of the National Restaurant Association, recently told a U.S. Senate committee to put the brakes on a bill that would increase the federal minimum wage and tie it to inflation. Why? Boosting the hourly minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 would reduce the number of jobs in the food service […]
A case study in controling and monitoring restaurant social media
Seven habits to avoid in order to be a better restaurant manager
Why do bartenders, waiters and waitresses pay at tax rate so much higher than the fat cats pay on their millions?
Ever heard the saying “never judge a book by it’s cover”? Well this also applies to serving tables. Check out this story and you will think differently.
Twitter for Business: Read an updated checklist of everything your business needs to do on Twitter and start seeing great results.